10 events found.
Animal Events
4-H Saddle Horse Novice/Advanced Contesting Show
Plaisted Ring4-H Saddle Horse Walk/Trot Contesting Show B
Dunsailin RingB group, 2nd year walk/trot and up - Dunsailin Ring
Open Dairy & Veal Judging
Livestock Arena4-H Beef Cattle & Dairy Beef Judging & Showmanship
Livestock ArenaOpen cattle judging to follow
Jungle Terry
Main MidwaySponsored by Richard Greaves, CPA - West End of Main Midway
4-H Saddle Horse Walk/Trot Contesting Show A (English/Western)
Dunsailin RingA group, 1st year walk/trot - Dunsailin Ring
Jungle Terry
Main MidwaySponsored by Richard Greaves, CPA - West End of Main Midway
Crowning of “Miss Lake COW-nty”
Livestock ArenaJungle Terry
Main MidwaySponsored by Richard Greaves, CPA - West End of Main Midway