2025 Admission/Hours
- Fair gates open at 8:00 a.m. daily
- Exhibit Buildings open at 12:00 noon daily
- Exhibit Buildings close at 10:00 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday
- Exhibit Buildings close at 9:00 p.m. Sunday
- Midway opens at 12:00 noon daily
- Midway closes at 10:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday, 11:00 pm Friday & Saturday
Admission to Grounds
*General Admission is $10.00. Everyone age three (3) and older must have an admission ticket. General Admission includes all exhibits, free midway shows, some grandstand shows and rides (except for live pony rides and special attractions). A gate attendant will punch your general admission ticket and stamp your hand at entry. The punched ticket may be taken to a rides ticket booth on the midway and exchanged for a daily ride stamp. Re-entry hand stamps will are only available at the time of fair entry when redeeming an admission ticket. Free Admissions do not include re-entry privileges. No tickets other than General Admission tickets include ride privileges.
Special Promotions
- Tuesday, July 22nd is Veterans Day. Free admission to all until 3:00 p.m. Veterans Free all-day with ID.
- Wednesday, July 23rd is Family Day. Families of four or more will pay a special General Admission fee of $8.00 per person which will include ride privileges.
- Thursday, July 24th is Kids Day. Age 14 (not 18) and under admitted Free all-day when accompanied by an adult 21 or over. All-day ride wristbands only $8.00.
- Friday, July 25th is Seniors Day. Age 60 and over admitted Free until 3:00 p.m.
- Saturday, July 26th will be AM250 Day (in recognition of the 250 Anniversary of America). Promotional giveaways of bobble heads for first 250 people.
If you have any questions, contact the Fair Office at (440) 354-3339.
Membership to the Lake County Agricultural Society
Annual Memberships to the Lake County Agricultural Society are $30.00. Membership is limited to Lake County residents age 18 and over. Memberships must be purchased at the Fair Office or from a Director. Members receive free admission to all six days of the annual fair and have the privilege to vote at the annual election held the last Saturday of September. For further information on annual membership call (440) 354-3339.
Fair Queen 2024
Fair Results 2024
Hall of Fame
Calendar of Events